What makes John8eight rosaries and religious jewelry so unique? I start by taking jewelry that is broken, useless, unwanted and rejected. I then take these pieces that society considers trash and use them for the service of the Lord. My rosaries are a reflection of what God does for so many of us. He takes what society considers outcast and rebels- the useless, broken, unwanted and rejected. Then God raises them above kings to glorify His name. -Michelle- I could not have explained John8eight jewelry any better than Michelle did in her Etsy shop announcement so I have quoted her directly.
I recently had the pleasure of becoming (virtually) acquainted with Michelle. She applied to become an
Offbeat Weddings Etsy Team member. Unfortunately, the team could not see a wedding connection to her rosaries. I can tell you that I actually cried when the team voted no. Personally I believe that any jewelry that has an emotional connection to an individual is a welcome addition to any wedding. Rosaries are often wrapped around bouquet stems and I have witnessed them being used to bind a wedding couples' hands during the ceremony.
I have no idea why Michelle's stories touched me or why I felt so strong of a connection to her. Please take the time to visit her shop. Read each item description. Michelle has a talent that is so rare in this world. She is authentic in her beliefs and her item descriptions are like Chicken soup for the Christian's soul. I guarantee that you will be either inspired or uplifted.
To Michelle,
I am not a silly woman. I don't cry at the drop of a hat. It is often brought to my attention that I come off terse and too business like. You have (if only for a while) turned me into a wilting, snot wiping, crying mess and I love you for it.